Deputy Head of Infrastructure Services


You may not know our name, but you have surely used our innovations and solutions.


Our mission is to unlock the world and make it safer through cutting-edge identity technologies. Every day, around the globe, we are enabling citizens and consumers alike to perform their daily critical activities (such as pay, connect and travel), in the physical as well as digital space. We are transforming their lives by making the world more secure and yet also more streamlined.


We have brought together complementary know-how and technologies that have never been combined before for both the physical and digital era: secured connectivity, secured payments and secured identity management. Cybersecurity, biometrics, large scale distributed systems and Cloud computing, analytics and smart devices are at the core of both our physical products and our software and systems.


We serve our clients in 180 countries thanks to our 15,000 employees worldwide. 




We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Deputy Head of Infrastructure Services to help in leading our infrastructure team.

The successful candidate will be responsible for overseeing the design, implementation, and management of our organization's IT infrastructure.

The Deputy Head of Infrastructure Services will play a key role in developing and executing strategic plans to ensure the reliability, scalability, and security of our infrastructure in support of business objectives.

Key Missions


As the Deputy Head of Infrastructure Services, you'll lead our team, ensuring seamless IT infrastructure operation


Responsibilities include:

  1. Guidance & Mentorship: Provide guidance, mentorship, and development opportunities to foster continuous team growth
  2. Strategic Planning: Develop and implement plans aligning tech investments with business goals for innovation and efficiency
  3. Infrastructure Oversight: Manage server, storage, virtualization, cloud, and backup systems for optimal performance
  4. Security Assurance: Implement security measures, policies, and procedures to mitigate threats and ensure compliance
  5. Collaboration & Innovation: Collaborate with IT teams and stakeholders to provide innovative solutions
  6. Technology Evaluation: Recommend new technologies to enhance infrastructure effectiveness and reliability
  7. Performance Monitoring: Proactively monitor infrastructure performance and address issues promptly
  8. Vendor Management: Manage vendor relationships and contracts, ensuring compliance and budget adherence
  9. Budget Management: Efficiently manage infrastructure budget, adapting to diverse tasks as assigned
  10. Global Support: Demonstrate flexibility in working hours and provide support globally as needed
  11. Team Growth: Recruit and develop technical staff to enhance team expertise and collaboration


Who are we looking for?


Successful candidates should have:

  • Bachelor's degree in computer science or related field; advanced degree preferred
  • 8+ years in IT infrastructure management, including 3+ years in leadership
  • Strong expertise in networking, server admin, storage, and cloud computing
  • Experience with virtualization, cloud platforms, and ITIL/ITSM frameworks
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to convey complex technical concepts
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with relevant certifications preferred
  • Fluent English, Romanian / French is a plus


Required technical skills include:

  • Operating systems, server admin, storage solutions, and backup infrastructure
  • Networking concepts, cloud services, cybersecurity principles, and virtualization
  • Disaster recovery planning, scripting languages for automation, and infrastructure monitoring tools


Candidates should also demonstrate advanced soft skills:

  • Effective leadership, motivation, and management of diverse teams
  • Flexibility, teamwork, collaboration, and conflict resolution skills
  • Ability to mentor, coach, and present ideas clearly and engagingly
  • Composure under pressure


By choosing to work at IDEMIA, you can join the journey of a unique tech company. You can seize all the opportunities of our fast-paced environment. You can add your distinctive qualities to our global community. You can contribute to a safer world.


We deliver cutting edge, future proof innovation that reach the highest technological standards. We’re well established, and yet still agile. We aren’t too big, and we aren’t too small. And we’re transforming, fast, to stay a leader in a world that’s changing fast, too.


At IDEMIA, people can develop their expertise and feel a sense of ownership and empowerment, in a global environment, as part of a company with the ambition and the ability to change the world.


Our teams are close and collaborative; maintaining a dialogue and developing human connections matter to us. We are truly international and we know that diversity is a key driver of innovation and performance. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of how they look, where they come from, who they love, or what they think.


Each of our locations has its own advantages to offer a collaborative and friendly work environment.


IDEMIA. Expect the unexpected. Join the journey of a unique tech company.